I’m often asked to give a few tips on how to make your relationship better. Here are five quick tips:
1) Turn off media and engage with your partner. Looking at the person instead of a screen sends a message – you are important, important enough for me to get off these screens and focus on you.
2) Open up your life to another person. Relationships are about doing life together, sharing the good, bad and ugly with someone you love, like and trust. Take a risk and open up to a trustworthy person.
3) Connect with your partner daily. You don’t need long, drawn out talks. Just take 5 minutes a day when you are both home and update each other on your day.
4) Make time for fun. Laugh and love. It’s a winning combination. Watch a funny movie, get together with friends, play a silly game, visit a park and eat sloppy hot dogs…anything that creates fun memories. And laughter is a big stress reducer!
5) Go outside. In my blog, The 3 Best Ways to Unwind, I talk about how being in nature impacts the mind in a good way. Get out there people!
Copyright © Dr. Linda Mintle, Used with permission.
Read more at drlindamintle.com