There is a serious lack of resources for women struggling with pornography and other sexual issues. This has hindered many women from finding the help they need to recover. However, the stigma surrounding these issues is lifting.

Awareness for female porn and sex addicts is increasing, and conversations which were once dominated by masculine pronouns, are beginning to include the feminine voice. Stigma is slowly being lifted by those courageous enough to share their stories and walk with other women on their road to recovery.

Here are seven great resources for women:

1. No Stones: Women Redeemed from Sexual Addiction (book)

No Stones is written by Marnie C. Ferree, a woman who not only has the wisdom of her own journey, but who has clinical expertise in female sexual addiction. This in-depth book contains three major sections: Firstly, it defines sexual addiction and the here-and-now realities for women struggling. Next, it delves deeply into root issues and inner child work. The final section deals with the practicalities of recovery and healing. It includes helpful excerpts from her family and provides a chapter for husbands and partners. This book is transformative for any woman struggling with sex, fantasy, porn, lust and relationships. It cuts to the very core of sexual addiction and exposes under-girding intimacy disorders with boldness and gentleness.

2. L.I.F.E Guide for Women (recovery workbook)

Also authored by Marnie C. Ferree, the L.I.F.E Guide is a 21-assignment recovery workbook created for women struggling with sexual addiction in its many forms. It covers fantasy, love, relationships, pornography, masturbation, sex and a variety of other forms of acting out. It is a profoundly healing resource for women of all ages, written for use in a group setting, but also useful for one on one mentoring. Each ‘assignment’ (a series of poignant reflection questions and activities) builds on the last, gradually increasing the depth of reflection. It is tailored to suit women’s specific emotional, physical and spiritual needs in a clear but gentle way. This resource focuses on acknowledging root issues, past wounds and taking steps to heal within an accountability partnership or group.

3. Beggar’s Daughter (blog and book)

Jessica Harris is a recovered pornography addict who has dedicated her life to bravely sharing her story to help women and girls know they are not alone in their struggles. She launched her website, Beggar’s Daughter in 2009, and continues to share meaningful and practical blogs and resources specifically written for women struggling with porn, sex, and lust. She speaks at events around the world, and in 2016, published her book Beggar’s Daughter which recounts her journey through pornography addiction into recovery.

4. Dirty Girls Ministries (online community and book)

Dirty Girls Ministries was founded by Crystal Renaud in 2009. The mission of DGM is to break through the stigma that surrounds female porn and sexual addiction by creating safe spaces for women to find help, hope, and healing, and to train others up to do the same. DGM offers an online community, resources for accountability as well as coaching and consulting for churches and individuals who want to begin addressing pornography with the women they influence. Crystal is also the author Dirty Girls Come Clean, a recovery guide specifically for women. This book is easy to read and jam-packed with life-changing and healing wisdom. It includes testimonies from female porn users and reflection questions to guide readers into healing.

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5. Overcoming Love Addiction (book)

Overcoming Love Addiction: Your Recovery Roadmap is a fantastic resource for women trapped in a lifestyle of fantasy and sexually addictive behaviors. Lacy Bentley weaves her own personal recovery journal with practical, no-nonsense recovery options which provide a clear way out for women struggling with addiction.

Lacy also offers group and one on one coaching based on the values in her book through her REAL Love Recovery program.

6. (online resources)

XXXChurch offer resources and community for men and women struggling with pornography. They are one of the largest pornography recovery ministries in the world. Much of their content is in helpful and practical blogs, but they also provide online courses, recovery groups, video content, coaching and resources tailored for either women or men. They also provide specific support for young people, students, spouses and parents. They are the creators of X3Watch, an invaluable accountability tool that any woman should have installed on her devices.

7. The Grace Spot (online community and blog)

The Grace Spot exists to educate all people on the reality of female pornography use and to break the stigma that only men struggle with this issue. TGS strives to equip women to break free from shame and to find lasting freedom from pornography and other sexual addictions. The ministry is overseen by Alice Taylor who shares her personal journey of struggling with porn from the age of twelve. She aims to create a safe place to seek healing and restore intimacy, confidence and self-love. It is a platform to share stories, and open a vulnerable conversation about sex. The Grace Spot offers regular blogs, a private Facebook support group, practical steps to seeking freedom and links to the resources needed to do so. Alice is also working on a book to be released in 2019- Restored: A Woman’s Guide to Overcoming Pornography. 

There are more resources out there, and many more in the process of being written and filmed for women struggling with sexual addiction and pornography. The days where women search for ‘pornography addiction + help’ to find only male-dominated resources plastered all over google are coming to an end. The feminine voice is growing louder and being heard. Times are changing, women are being represented in recovery resources, and this is great news for us all. Let’s look ahead to an end to the stigma women face when it comes to pornography and thank these current resources for being the strong voices we need in this area.

Copyright (c) 2019 Alice Taylor, used with permission.