I Want Him to Want Me
How to Respond When Your Husband Doesn’t Want Sex Tonight’s the night, you think. The kids are in bed, you’ve put away the evening’s dinner dishes, and now you’ve set…
Making Up with Your Body after Abuse
How to Release Self-Contempt and Find Freedom Recently I had to have an echocardiogram of my heart. I wasn’t worried about it going in, but then I ended up with…
What We Find in the Dark
What Is It About the Night that Causes Us to Wrestle with God? Why does lying in bed at the end of a long day initiate on onslaught of worst-case…
Making Marriage Easier
Are You Listening? When I received an email invitation to write a book with the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Five Love Languages, Dr. Gary Chapman, I…
Dr. Gary Chapman Interview
Do you want sexual intimacy with your husband more than he does? On this Building Relationships with Dr. Gary Chapman, author, counselor, and Growthtrac co-founder, Sheri Mueller says many wives struggle silently…
5 Tips for Transitioning Well After Divorce
Divorce is hard. No matter the circumstances that led up to it, the emotions, turmoil, heartbreak, pain and fears are the same. When our hearts are heavy and we’re left…
The Essence of True Romance
Do you want a life filled with romance and passion? Do you like the idea of having a little more adventure? It may come as a surprise, but you actually…
Husbands Can Feel Insecure Too
Have you ever, knowingly or unknowingly, sent your husband the message that you think he is inadequate? In the more than twenty years I’ve spent working with engaged and married…
Lies and Assumptions Christian Women Have About Sex
Take a moment to consider what you’ve been told about how men “should” behave or what “normal” sex is. Do any of the following sentiments sound familiar? Men have one-track…
Women Were Created to Enjoy and Crave Sex Too
Alison took the steps two at a time as she rushed upstairs to their bedroom. She flung herself onto the bed, pounded her fists into a pillow, and wept. This…
Welcome to Hollywood! What’s your dream?
This is one of the iconic lines from the movie Pretty Woman. A man walking through the streets yells it out among the people walking along, and the line rings…