the ‘Capture Her Heart’ e-study
This is an email study. We suggest you separately purchase Lysa TerKeurst’s book, Capture Her Heart. to accompany your study. You can get the book here.
How it works
- Sign-Up! No waiting —Your study will start immediately!
- If you haven’t already, Get the Book.
- At five day intervals, we will send you 25 study insights via email. You have the option of accelerating or pausing your email schedule if you like. Think of the emails as helpful hints from your cyber coach.
- For more info, read the FAQ.
▸ Your purchase helps support the Marriagetrac marriage ministry. Learn about partner links.
Why you need this
- Capture the Heart of your wife through eight essential criteria.
- Discover how to focus on your wife’s needs.
- Be the Spiritual Leader of the Home
- Become the Husband God designed you to be — and the Husband your Wife wants you to be!
- Based on a study-friendly, best selling book.
- Crisp and Practical — We won’t waste your time.
- Flexible study options
▸ Also See eDevotions • Marriage Minute