Bible Verses About Marriage

God’s Purpose for Every Woman

I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. — Galatians 2:20 NKJV

Just the thought of trying to be holy creates despair in my heart. It’s not that I don’t desire to be holy. I do what I can. I struggle, pretend at times, and even beg God to make me holy — yet little changes.

Often, I find myself studying its definition: “Holiness… one who is perfect in goodness and righteousness.” That’s a great description of God, who is the essence of holiness, but my life barely reflects the first letter of the word, let alone the whole meaning. Time and again I’ve been disappointed by my efforts to become holy.

Then one day I realized the reason for my defeat. I was trying to obtain something I can’t. God never intended for me or you to be holy by our own efforts. We cannot achieve that high standard by ourselves. That’s why we have Jesus. His holiness is imparted to us the moment we receive Him as our Savior. It’s not about imitating His life, but receiving His life, and allowing His holiness to be lived through us!

Once Jesus is residing in you and me, we have all that He is. We have His wisdom, faith, power, and holiness. It’s almost too wonderful to believe. In order for us to experience His life in ours, we have to make a choice. We can either continue to live our life our way by our own effort, or we can die to self and allow Jesus to live His life through us. It’s only by choosing Jesus and abandoning self that we can experience His presence and power in our lives. However, choosing Jesus means we must identify with His cross in order to experience His character.

Most of us are content with Christ’s forgiveness and a paid ticket to heaven, never seeking the resurrected life that comes from dying to self. To be crucified with Christ means that I have no more claims on my daily life. Identifying with His death means that I must fully surrender to His will and not mine because I no longer live, but Christ lives… in my thoughts, my plans, and everything I do.

Once we are dead to self, Jesus is then free to invade us with His life and power. Only then will we experience the fullness of His life. He didn’t die on the cross so that we can continue to live in defeat. Christ died so that He could impart to you and me His very life and live it through us.

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We can try to be holy on our own or even beg God to make us holy, but He won’t until we allow Christ to occupy our essence. The choice is ours.

Dear Lord, forgive my sins. Invade me with Your life so that I may exude Christ-like character in all that I do. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Application Steps
Crucify your self-centered focus and your attempts to live righteously apart from daily empowerment through Christ.


Copyright © Lysa TerKeurst and Rachel Olsen, published by Harvest House Publishers. Used with Permission.

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