Family Force 5, from Atlanta, is all about energy, confidence and its mission to make relevant, God-inspired music that engages both the mainstream and the church. FF5’s three blood brothers — Solomon (a.k.a. “Soul Glow Activator”), Jacob (a.k.a “Crouton”) and Joshua (a.k.a “Fatty”) Olds — teamed up with Nathan Currin (“Nadaddy”) and Derek Mount (“Chap Stique”) to create music that, according to their official bio, blends “OutKast with Rage Against the Machine and Beastie Boys with The White Stripes.” Their debut recording, entitled Business Up Front, Party In The Back (Maverick/Gotee), released to mainstream and Christian markets last month. Visit or for more information.
It’s reported that you were chased by several mainstream companies but would not sign unless they also released you in the Christian market. Is that true? And if so, tell us why? Solomon: It was important for Family Force 5 to sign with Gotee because we refuse to deny who we are. We are Christians and from a Christian background. While our band is a “pop” band, we refuse to become one of those bands that gets in the mainstream and denies their faith or tries to act like something they are not. We also felt that Gotee had the relevance to deliver our music to the Christian market, and they had experience in working with truly different styles of music.
Do you have a different way of communicating your message in “secular” and religious environments? Family Force 5 performs the same passionate, crazy live show in every venue that we have the opportunity to play. We want to take the message of Jesus everywhere we go and tear the house down at the same time!
Your new record is entitled Business Up Front, Party in the Back. What’s going on at the party? Who is invited? Everyone is invited to the Family Force 5 party because this party is for eternity! We’re talking about a place where the music goes all night long, people don’t stop dancing and the road beneath your feet is made of gold. Talk about bling bling, yo! That’s how G-O-D rolls!
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