We spoke with Dr. Kevin Leman about his role in the upcoming Focus On Parenting Simulcast, November 14th.
I’m old enough to remember when kids obeyed parents; today parents obey kids. To put it as nicely as I can: parents are clueless. They fail to realize they need to be a parent. Being a parent means you stand in healthy authority over your children. But not as an authoritarian — many of us grew up with, Hey you listen up! You do what I tell you to do! You want somethin’ to cry about? I’ll give you somethin’ to cry about!
These days the issue is permissiveness, and permissiveness reigns. Hey turn that TV down, I’m trying to do your homework! Kids are getting softer, they’re avoiding math and science like the plague. This affects not only our families, but also our entire country.
At the Focus On Parenting Simulcast on November 14th, I’ll be talking to parents about having a new child by Friday. We’ll work on how to get quick results by using actions instead of words. It’s simple; it works; and I’ll be very practical.
Parents today don’t like the word authority. But authority is biblical and it can make all the difference in your child’s life. The spiritual component in parenting is absolutely the most fundamental.
Whether you’re dealing with disrespect or disobedience; whether your child is an ankle biter or a child in his or her late-teens, I’ll help you discover a few important basics and a five-day plan — that voila! — You’ll have a new kid.
I know everyone will enjoy the day. We have a great line-up of speakers, including Dr. Juli Slattery, Elisa Morgan and Ron Luce — a diverse group of experts that will speak to you with fresh perspective.
When parents are done watching, they’ll say, I can’t wait for my kids to misbehave. I’m ready for them!
Copyright © 2009 by Jim Mueller, President and co-founder of Growthtrac Ministries.