Bible Verses About Marriage

Five Minutes in the Bible for Men

I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me — Philippians 4:13 KJV

One of the great advertising slogans is that given by Nike, the leading manufacturer of sports shoes in the world. We all have seen it in their media commercials  —”Just do it.” They’re three simple words, but they powerfully suggest that we should get out of bed or off that couch and put our dreams into action.

The first step is halfway to your destination.

Many years ago, my telephone rang. I picked up the receiver and heard these words: “PaPa, what is that verse of Scripture that says, ‘I can do all things through Christ which gives me strength’?”

“Oh, Chad, that is one of my favorite verses. Look up Philippians 4:13.” The phone went silent for a few minutes and on comes Chad who was about 12 years old and in the sixth grade. I asked him why he wanted to know about that particular verse of Scripture. He replied, “I’m in a race at school tomorrow, and I’m so nervous that I can’t relax, and I needed that verse to give me added strength when I pray. Thanks, PaPa.”

I told him I would pray for him tomorrow, and I asked him to call me back and let me know how he did.

Well, by 4:00 PM the next day, the phone rang, and it was Chad on the other end. I knew by the excitement of his voice that he had done well. I asked, “Chad, how did you do?”

“PaPa, you won’t believe it, but I won and set a new school record for that event. I’ve never done so well. Thank you for your prayers and helping me find the verse.”

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That verse will be etched in Chad’s memory. He will always be able to find that verse and he will recall it whenever he needs extra strength for any situation in life. Yes, we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. How can I be so sure? Because the Scriptures give us that promise and God never goes back on what He has promised.

The next time you come to a fork in the road, just remember —”Just do it.”

He who believes is strong; he who doubts is weak. Strong convictions precede great actions. —J.F Clarke

Prayer: Father God, You truly give me added strength by all Your promises. I’m so encouraged by Your Word. Amen.

Insights: How might you apply Philippians 4:13 in your life? In your marriage?

Action: Pray today with the simple and unshakable faith of a child.

Copyright © Bob Barnes, published by Harvest House Publishers. Used with Permission.

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