“My sister called – she’s taking the kids and leaving tonight.”
“Our Pastor left the church – and his wife.”
“We would never legally divorce – but I’ve walked away emotionally.”
Have you experienced any of these situations? Take a minute to think – do you know someone who’s divorced or struggling in their marriage – maybe it’s you?
70% of Americans are divorced or have divorced parents. 27% of born again Christians are currently or have previously been divorced, compared to 24% of adults who are not born again. Each year over 1 million children watch their parents divorce. Women initiate 70%-75% of divorces.
These statistics show the destruction of marriages and families in our country. How do you feel about these statistics? Are you surprised or shocked that men and women who claim to be “born again” Christians are more likely to seek a divorce than those who don’t make that claim? We must be honest and tell you that we are neither surprised nor shocked by these statistics. But we are grieved every time we read them. We believe if something isn’t done to stop the divorce epidemic it will continue to spiral towards further destruction.
We know that Christian marriages are in trouble and we are waging a war against our culture for the preservation of biblical marriage and families. This culture has all but eliminated that stigma of divorce, but it can no longer ignore its massive effects. We are in a battle for the survival of the Christian home in this country. It’s a battle we know we can win, and it must be won with this generation for the sake of the next generation. That’s why we believe God has raised up the Divorce-Proofing America’s Marriages campaign.
The Divorce-Proofing America’s Marriages…for the sake of the next generation campaign is for everyone. Whether you are anticipating marriage, in a hurting marriage, have experienced divorce, or in a strong marriage – you will be equipped with the tools you need to build a healthy, divorce-proofed marriage. This message not only applies to your marriage, but to those you desire to influence. This message needs ambassadors like you to take this information to those in your church so we can help equip your pastor and church with the tools needed to strengthen the resolve of marriages in your area.
Our vision for the Divorce-Proofing America’s Marriages campaign is to establish one million covenant homes across America. Imagine with us 1 million covenant homes across the land drawing a line in the sand and saying, “As for me and my house we will serve the Lord” (Joshua 24:15). These covenant homes would become a shining light for the cause of Christ and the entire world to see. Now that’s something we believe is worth giving our lives for! We want to bring these principles and this message of hope to every husband and wife in America beginning with you! We firmly believe that God can transform any marriage, no matter how bad it may appear and strengthen solid marriages no matter how good they may be. Together, we can make a difference to stay happily married for the cause of Christ and the next generation. Together we can say, “Not on my watch. We won’t let another family disintegrate!”
Wondering how to get this campaign in your area? It all begins with logging onto afclive.com . This interactive one-stop Web site has everything you need to get the Divorce-Proofing America’s Marriages campaign in your area. Register today and begin renewing and restoring your marriage and the marriages of others around you.
Copyright © 2005 Dr. Gary and Barbara Rosberg, used with permission.
Married nearly 30 years, the parents of two married adult children, and grandparents of two, Dr. Gary and Barbara Rosberg have a unique blend of insight and wisdom that touches people of all ages. Together with Gary’s 25,000 hours of counseling experience and Barbara’s wise counsel and biblical teaching, they are America’s Family Coaches (AFC) or call 1-888-ROSBERG. — equipping thousands of families across the nation.