A Record of Rights
how we decide, ahead of time, to respond to those irritations will make a world of difference in our relationships.
A Conversation with Josh Wilson
My hope is with each album I learn a little bit more about the songwriting process and I learn how to be more conversational and honest in my writing.
A Conversation With Ted Cunningham
When all of our energy, money and focus is on our kids, we’re not preparing them for the world.
Love for a Lifetime
The daily walking out of your love CAN last through all the ups and downs of life and still grow stronger as time passes.
A Conversation with Meredith Andrews
Beneath her youthful exterior and fresh-faced exuberance, Meredith Andrews is a focused artist who knows exactly what she wants to say.
When Chronic Illness Enters Your Marriage
Very few couples actually give “the sickness” part of their vows much thought.