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90 posts
Eight Contrasts Between Unhealthy and Healthy Relationships
A healthy heart can enter into healthy relationships
Jon and Sherry Interview
Every day I’m amazed and blessed by God’s goodness. As I look at this child and the miracle of adoption. God is so good.
What Will They Say at Your Funeral?
It may be true that we learn something about our character when no one else can see us.
An Interview with Mitch Temple
Focus on the Family’s Mitch Temple talks with us about the ‘state of marriage’ and how Focus is strengthening marriage relationships.
Marriage, an Extreme Sport? Seriously?
Seriously! Whether you realize it or not, you’re entering a river with a thundering Class V rapids downriver.
Marriage on Ice
Today, a church is not only a dwelling or building, but also something much more fluid.
Spiritual Reality in a Makeover World
A Conversation with Revell Authors Linda Clare and Kristen Johnson Ingram.