Bible Verses About Marriage

God’s Purpose for Every Woman

They said to Joshua, “The LORD has surely given the  whole land into our hands; all the people are melting  in fear because of us.” — Joshua 2:24

Perhaps you have heard the story of Rahab, the prostitute in Jericho who housed two spies and asked to be spared when Israel overtook Jericho. If not, read about her in the second chapter of the book of Joshua. While you might be familiar with the story of her bravery and the scarlet cord hung as a sign to spare her household, have you ever stopped to consider what could have happened to Israel if there had been no Rahab? When I began to consider this, I realized that the first time that Israel sent spies into the land, there was no Rahab. And things turned out very differently indeed.

The first time Israel spied out the land, 12 men (in Numbers 13) did not find any Rahabs to give them information about the inhabitants. There was no faith-full woman willing to help them, to give them shelter, or, most importantly, to tell them that their enemies were afraid of their God. So out of those original 12 spies, 10 came home in defeat — all but Caleb and Joshua. Ten men forgot that the God of the universe had already guaranteed their victory.

It seems that Rahab’s offer of hospitality and hope gave the second set of spies just the dose of encouragement they needed to go home and say, “Let’s go for it, guys! We’ve got God on our side!” (paraphrase of Joshua 2:24).

As I pondered these two separate-but-linked episodes in Israel’s history, I realized that Rahab was a woman who impacted an entire nation for generations to come. Her faith in God was bigger than her fear of man, and she was not afraid to act. Because of her willingness, this highly unlikely heroine found her way into Jesus’ lineage as the mother of Boaz (Matthew 1:5) and the “Faith Hall of Fame” (Hebrews 11:31).

God used Rahab to bolster His beloved people as they prepared to finally take possession of the land He had promised them. Rahab responded to God’s call and became an active, courageous participant in His plan.

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As I thought about this faith-full woman, I began to think about myself. I asked some tough questions about my own faith and obedience. I wondered, If there were no me, would it make a difference? Can I name a specific time when God has invited me to join Him, and I have done it willingly and boldly, without first counting the cost? As I realized how differently Israel’s two missions turned out, I thanked God for using a woman who was probably a lot like me — unqualified, unprepared, and unworthy. Her example encouraged me that my active involvement in God’s plans can make a difference far beyond what I can see from this side of eternity.

Dear Lord, thank You for the example of Rahab. Thank You for using unlikely people to make a difference for Your kingdom. Help me to be a faith-full woman as she was, and to step out boldly for You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Application Steps
Journal your reactions to the two set of spies and Rahab. Has God brought to mind something that you could do to make a difference? Write these things down and pray about how you can become a faith-full woman for Him.

Copyright © Lysa TerKeurst and Rachel Olsen, published by Harvest House Publishers. Used with Permission.

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