If you’ve heard any of Tree63’s previous two United States releases (four if you live outside of the U.S.) then there shouldn’t be any surprise as to the message and music this group delivers in The Answer To The Question.
“King,” the opening track sets off the CD with a driving guitar rhythm and the crisp thump of the kick drum, not only setting the tone for the album, but showing the direction in which the band will take you. The songs are fairly rhythm guitar driven with lead guitar injecting at appropriate times. “I Stand For You,” however, is a piano and acoustic guitar led ballad. With a great melody line and a memorable hook, this piece provides good variety, keeping the words fresh and nonrepetitive.
Amidst the original songs, Tree63 includes the awesome and familiar worship tune, “Blessed Be Your Name,” by Matt Redman. Lead singer John Ellis has this to say about the placement of Redman’s song on their album and why they do what they do: “It’s [our] version?and that in itself speaks volumes about what this new album, and this new band, are all about. We’re Christians ? We have run out of energy trying to pretend we’re just cool rockers who happen to believe in Jesus. We live for God; we have a message of good news; it’s crucial that we deliver it?”
The title track is a pure rock song with loud guitars, crisp bass and crashing cymbals intertwined with melodic vocals. On the whole, The Answer to the Question is an enjoyable album with catchy hooks, easy to follow melodies and a good message. Pick it up. Give it a listen. See for yourself if it is indeed the answer to the question.
Copyright © 2004 Christian Music Planet, used with permission.
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