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Marriagetrac FAQ
Growthtrac Ministries is a marriage hub, a Christian nonprofit media ministry dedicated to transforming ordinary marriages into great marriages. Our site,, serves more than 850,000 1 marriages annually with practical, faith-based expert articles and advice and radio programming. And, because we deliver our resources digitally, we serve marriages internationally.
1 Marriages served in 2018 (does not include Growthtrac Radio).
The institution of marriage has a profound ability to impact the very fabric of our society. Whether marriages are strong or struggling matters. When marriages fail, the stakes are incredibly high. For instance, in 2018, the poverty level of families headed by married couples was just 7.5 percent; in those headed by single mothers, the poverty level rose to 33.9 percent. When marriages fail, crime also escalates. Children become at high risk academically. And they're more likely to abuse drugs. 1
1The National Marriage Project at the University of Virginia
Research indicates when maritally stressed couples seek assistance, they first turn to the Internet. That’s where Growthtrac excels. Growthtrac is a “safety net” to couples seeking anonymous, no-cost, high quality, marriage help. Statistics show about one-half of marriages fail; we believe when you turn to us, we can help build better marriages and help heal hurting ones.
While most Christian online resources cover safe marriage topics from limited sources, Growthtrac’s content is culturally savvy and relevant, covering the tough topics — such as pornography, addictions and adultery — from today’s top relationship experts. And, unlike some other online marriage resources, Growthtrac specializes in marriage.
Growthtrac Radio is a streamed radio station available on mobile apps, iTunes, and direct from our website. You’ll hear excellent marriage programming from our radio partners, including information you need that could make a difference in your marriage. And we play music: You won’t hear standard artist singles repeating the same songs every hour. What you will hear is a Top-40 sound, but deeper and more energetic — a fresh variety of live worship and independent artists mixed in with the Top 10 and a few oldies.
- No paid staff, office rent, expense accounts, or latte machines. The financial accountability and good stewardship of donors’ funds are taken very seriously.
- $45,000 1 annual budget with 85 cents of every dollar invested in our programs.
- Governed by a seasoned board of directors with background in the nonprofit and Christian media worlds.
- BBB Accredited Charity; Goldstar Exchange Gold Participant.
- Co-founder holds a Masters Degree (LPC) in professional counseling.
- More than 1,000 organizations link to
- Focus on the Family Referral Organization.
- Lifetime Google Grant recipient, affirming our position as a leading marriage resource.
- More than 850,000 2 (soon to be one million) marriages touched annually.
1 2018 annual budget
2 Marriages impacted in 2018
Long-term, we want to put a dent in divorce by turning more couples toward the person of Jesus and the ways of Jesus. We plan to “make a difference” in a high percentage of the marriages we serve. Eighty percent of our audience has revealed Growthtrac made a positive impact in their marriage.1
1 As reported through our audience surveys
- The ministry always appreciates operations support, there are ongoing costs for web & radio maintenance, licensing, marketing, streaming & hosting, accounting & legal, etc.
- We would like to expand our web content and develop video offerings and assessments.
- We’re also looking at print (book) publishing.
- We want to engage a marketing and fundraising strategy consulting firm to help strategically plan our future.
- Our volunteer staff contributes 40-plus hours weekly; our big, God-sized goal is to bring on a full-time staff member.
Questions? Please contact us.
Approximately 80 percent of our support comes from donors. Additionally we have foundation grant support, revenue from banner advertising, and income from our online bookstore.
We take our mission and your support seriously. We maximize every dollar, making a big impact on minimal expense. You care about marriage; we do too. We share your values. And, we need your help.

Employer Matching Donations
Did you know your employer may actually match the dollars you give to Growthtrac Ministries dollar per dollar?
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Donate Goods and Services
In addition to monetary donations, we welcome in-kind professional service donations as well as other goods and services. There are several ways that you can support Marriagetrac. If you would like to discuss your gift or need more information please contact us.
Donate Bitcoin
If you are a bitcoin currency user and would like to donate some of these assets to Marriagetrac, click above to donate online.
Other Ways to Give
Donate by Check
Make Checks payable to Growthtrac Ministries.
International Giving
We accept international donations in the form of bank-issued money orders in USD. Money Orders should be made payable to Growthtrac Ministries and can be mailed to the address below. For donations over $6,000, we also accept wire transfers, for more information.
Please note: only donations from within the U.S. are tax-deductible.
Growthtrac Ministries
66 Grove Court #1155
Elgin, Illinois 60120
EIN 87-0732242
Growthtrac Ministries is a 501(c)(3)