The Friends We Keep

1. Relationships: A small group gives you the opportunity to get to know people at a more intimate level.  Sunday mornings are an awesome time to worship with the whole family of God, hear a sermon, engage in corporate vision, but a small group gives you a chance to build deeper friendships. God’s word is littered with this picture of community and how the body of Christ is to be active within our lives. Galatians, James, Genesis, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John…and just about every other book in the Bible all give us helpful insight into how God views and values relationships.

2. Learning the Word of God: Sunday’s sermon is a great time to get a broad teaching of the Word of God. However, small groups provide time for one-on-one discussion. Your group can provide a time to clarify answers to questions from Sunday’s sermon and dive deeper into what God’s word says about specific topics which your small group may be focusing on.

3. Opportunity to Serve Others: One of the greatest joys of being in a small group is the chance to bear others’ burdens, serve their needs, and step out beyond your own issues.

Les Parrott's Making Happy
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4. Place to invite friends: A small group is a natural place to invite friends and family. Sometimes people are more comfortable going to a small group then attending a Sunday morning service. We often find help, healing, connection and meaningful relationships within a small group setting; I am sure there are plenty of others in your life who could use the same kind of fellowship and intentional community you are receiving too. This is a great way to show the love of God and his big ol’ family!

5. Place to Pray and Share your needs: A gathering of a few people is a natural environment for prayer. A big part of prayer is conservation with God and small groups provide the perfect environment for communing with God. New Life Ministries Life Groups provide topic specific healing for people in all kinds of hurting places. We often tell group leaders that their group which they are starting is MUCH more than content and information, but is about connection expressed itself through truth.

Copyright © 2011 by John Palmieri, New Life Ministries.