There is something built into the heart of a woman that yearns to be pursued. She desires to be sought after. To feel like she is worth the trouble/pleasure of a man’s time and affection. That she is interesting enough, and captivating enough, to go the extra mile for.

It’s exhilarating, being pursued. And, if you aren’t careful, it can become addicting. Jumping from guy to guy, searching for someone who will finally pull out all the stops and pursue you the way you deserve! Maybe this time you won’t be let down . . . Maybe . . .

Can I make a suggestion from someone who has been there?

It starts to matter less and less who is pursuing you when you are passionately pursing the God who crafted your beautiful feminine heart.

Think about it. You were made in the glorious image of The One Living God. You reflect parts of His heart in a way no one else ever could.

So, guess what? God desires to be pursued by you. He doesn’t need you to do it. He is enough in Himself already. But He still wants you to.

Think about it. The God of Everything is complete in Himself. And yet, He still desires to be in an intimate relationship with you. He began pursing you long ago…

1 John 4:19 says, “We love because He first loved us.” He knows the desires of your heart better than you do. He loves you better than any person ever could. He created you to have a longing for Him. He loved you and was pursing your heart even while He was knitting you together in the womb.

Les Parrott's Making Happy
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The question is: are you going to answer His perusal with one of your own? He wants to fulfill you. Totally. Whether there is a man in the picture or not. And you absolutely cannot find contentment anywhere else, or in anyone else, until you find your sole fulfillment in HIM.

Ladies (and gentlemen) if you are thinking a relationship, or having every guy (or girl) knocking down your door is going to bring you fulfillment, you need to refocus. Only Jesus can fulfill every need and desire your heart whispers and years after.

It is always HIM before THEM.

Jeremiah 29:13 — You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all of your heart.

Don’t hold back any little bit. Pursue Him with ALL of your heart. The dreams and romance God has dreamed for you are far bigger than your own. Seek HIM first.

• Also see  Marriage Preparation

Copyright © 2012 by Coleen York. Used with permission

Coleen is a writer, blogger, and speaker whose passion is to inspire the upcoming generation to build the foundation of their lives, relationships, and identity in Jesus Christ. Coleen has served as an editor, event planner, and a social architect and firmly believes in using every outlet possible to share how Jesus transforms lives and relationships. Coleen holds a Bachelor’s degree in Public Relations with a background in Journalism and Media Art from Westminster College. She has also received training in Pastoral Leadership from Hillsong International Leadership College and is pursuing her Master’s degree in Pastoral Care and Counseling